As veterinarians, a key part of the oath that we took was to protect and promote public health. In an effort to remain open and protect ourselves and the public, we are working within the Public Health guidelines to keep our clinic and staff free of the virus.
We have added additional cleaning procedures such as disinfecting all surfaces more frequently, especially those touched by members of the public such as door handles and our front counter. We are mopping the floors with disinfectant even more than before as well. We will continue very frequent hand washing, and encourage you to do the same. We will also not be shaking hands or hugging to prevent viral transmission.
We have instructed staff not to come to work if they or someone in their family is sick or has coughing or a fever. We are dedicated to our work, and this is hard but important. Since we are such a small hospital with a small staff this means that we may be short staffed or unable to see appointments some days. Please be patient and understanding if we need to reschedule appointments or schedule further in the future than we usually would.
Finally, please do not bring your pet in or come to our vet clinic if you or a member of your family have a fever, cough, or cold-like symptoms. Please consult your healthcare provider. If you are ill and your pet is sick, please call us so that we can protect ourselves and send the pet to its appointment with another person. If this is not possible and it is urgent that your pet be seen then stay in your car and call us when you arrive. We will come out and get your pet from you. As of now, it seems that animals do not get ill from COVID-19, but may be a vector to transmit the virus, so we need to take extra precautions. If you or a member of your family are ill or in isolation, now is not the time to get your pet's nails trimmed or other routine "maintenance". That can be postponed for a couple weeks.
We want to be available to help you and your pets now and in the future. Please help us to protect our staff, our families, and our clients who are at increased risk of severe complications. We need to work together to protect everyone.
Thank you,
The Belleway Veterinary Hospital Team.
Pet Insurance
Free pet insurance coverage for up to 6 weeks available with every exam! No risk, no commitment. Up to $7500 per accident or illness covered ! (minus a deductible and co- pay which is usually 10-20% of the bill)
Every pet owner should consider getting pet insurance for those unexpected accidents and illnesses. There are many companies and monthly options to suit most budgets! Come in and ask us about Pets plus us, Pet Secure, Trupanion or President's Choice pet insurance options..

New items have been added to our Store
See Bert and our other animals using the items available in our store. Buy them online and pickup at the clinic or have them delivered. Click here to visit our online store and to see our pets in action!.Mission Statement
We are dedicated to the highest standard of veterinary care to ensure the health of our patients and enhance their quality of life. Our professional care and support extends to their families and the unique bond that they share with their pet.
About Us
The Belleway Veterinary Hospital opened in 1986 as the second clinic in the Stirling Veterinary Services practice. Although originally both large and small animal veterinary care was offered, the practice is now exclusively small animal oriented. The practice strives to offer the most advanced veterinary care for companion animals.
We Welcome New Patients
Now Available
The new MLS Therapy Laser at Belleway Veterinary Hospital is an effective, pain free treatment for conditions such as arthritis and joint pain, disc disease, hip dysplasia and tendonitis.
MLS Laser Therapy painlessly relieves inflammation, speeding recovery without compromising the liver, reducing or eliminating the need for harmful drugs.
Call us today to learn more about how our therapy laser can benefit your pet! 613-969-0537
All after hours emergencies are now referred to the Pet Hospital of Prince Edward and Hastings Counties at 613 968 9956. This is located over the Bay Bridge in Rossmore.

Our Location
We are located 1.2M North of Hwy 401 on Hwy 62 in the Northland Center.